An open loop:

an unresolved task or activity.

Maybe it’s simmering, maybe it’s looming…,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

A closed loop:

a resolved task or activity.

It can become open at a later time (like revising a written piece) or open the next day, but it’s closed when it’s functionally finished for now.

Your open loops will look different from my open loops.

We might share some too.

(Your open loops are both deeply personal and universal)

Some loops will play a significant role in your day-to-day once they are closed (a spruced up resume for that role you’re looking to land) and some are inconsequential but have to get done sooner or later (tossing out old pens and sharpening pencils).

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Sunday, January 7th 11:00am-12:30pm


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When you register, you will receive a Workshop Prep PDF so that you enter feeling clear and prepared

Why close loops?

Maybe, as you read this, you’re realizing how many open loops there are in your life…

Maybe you’re like, don’t remind me.

Open loops are far from the only thing fueling overwhelm (hello high cost of living, collective alienation from meaning and community, floundering capitalism, and hurting nervous systems)

When we’re overwhelmed, the open loops can pile up. The seemingly simple can feel insurmountable.

Sometimes open loops can seem to close: Booking the appointment was a feat of procrastination. And now there’s a follow up to book, and a scheduling error!

Sometimes open loops involve sitting down to do research:

Think about how open loops affect your ability to sustain energy and care.

Think about the low-buzz of worry, dissatisfaction, and overwhelm they create (or the high-buzz when they’re all top-of-mind and clanking around in there!),c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

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Closing open loops can be fun… like really.

Closing open loops is a practice of generating mental space for fresh ideas to drop in.

Closing open loops is liberating.

Closing open loops is sweetly restorative in unexpected ways.

Closing open loops returns you to your agency.

Closing open loops creates a powerful domino effect.

Closing open loops might just be the refresh that you’ve been craving.

🏹 There’s a secret intention in this workshop, and it’s not to close all the loops

After all, life is one open loop!!

My overt intention is to create designated time + togetherness + clear intention for you to direct your attention and action toward one or two pesky open loops. The intention beneath that: I’m here to support you in knowing that you can face the stuck places in your life, including what’s overwhelming or loaded or mundane, and that you can take small, kind choices in your life at any moment.

In this workshop, we get to do this together.

**You might go micro: sew that button! Treat that stain!

Or be audacious: plot your escape plan from Amazon!

Whether you show up to finally clear through your inbox or to finally tackle the junk drawer, you’ll have the power of collective gathering as your momentum.

This will not be a regular offering, so if you want in… join!**


Sunday, January 7th 11:00am-12:30pm

$$ \LARGE {Save~your~spot} $$


If you’ve never been to a workshop/course/gathering within Regarding Dew, here’s what you need to know:

1. ~Being around new people can be weird, but here it is fun~

2. Joining our shared space means that you agree to the Conditions of Gathering.

Please spend a few minutes carefully reviewing the Conditions of Gathering before securing your reservation.

3. I am not a productivity coach! Lord knows that’s not in the cards for me…

I’m a messy, creative artist who is obsessed with life. It’s taken years to learn to love what is in process, and to trust it, while also attending to creating systems of ease in my life.,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Some key points…

⦾ In order to create a sense of safety and reciprocity, cameras are on during the social parts (beginning and end).

⦾ You agree to bring your full presence to the activity at hand and the community that has gathered in order to best reap the fruits of your practice and honor the shared space.

⦾ You share depending on your comfort and desire, meaning you might unmute to share or participate in the chat. I will never call on you—you are 100% welcome to practice passive participation. (If there are breakout rooms in this time—still deciding here—they remain completely optional)

My role is to support you in crafting a life that is beautiful and meaningful in all of the ways you can, and I’m interested in doing this together (the people who join the studio’s workshops and gatherings are deeply inspiring, funny, and kind—so you are in the best of company here). Personally, this has been a year of getting back to basics and laying the foundation for my life through taking simple actions. In reading a booked called Already Free, Buddhism Meets Psychotherapy on the Path of Liberation by Bruce Tift, I recognized that attending to open loops (trusting that I could face what was unclear and daunting, including the shame of feeling ~all over the place~) increased my sense of ‘embodied immediacy’ in profound and fundamental ways. This created opening for true rest and sustained right action.,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/